Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Post "Party" Syndrome

Yeah, we didn't spend the weekend partying. Instead, we spent most of it working. We did get some vegging in, Sunday we rested most of the day after church, and Monday we spent some time relaxing after a trip to Home Depot to get some stone for the front yard.
But otherwise, we worked our tails off!
It is great, really, to have the stuff done that we did. Granted, none of the projects we worked on are completely "done", but we made great progress. The girls closet is cleaned out, their drawers are organized, I pulled out all the too-small stuff and made room for the newborn stuff we'll need for Rebecca. Their room is the cleanest, most organized in the house. We also pulled out a few bins of stuff that shouldn't have been in there in the first place.
However, we're not done. Esther has a platform bed with a large void under the right side. We've been using that to store boxes of...stuff. Not sure what is in there, that will have to be done before we can claim to be done. But since I don't have anywhere to put anything, I think it can wait.
We got a bunch of stuff picked up in the kitchen. It is so sad to me when I consider that we have a nice, clean kitchen, all the pots and pans are washed...and tonight it will all be dirty again. Ergh. Oh well, it's either that or we starve!
We organized a bunch of stuff in the basement, too. You know how it goes. You come home from a caseload sale with a bunch of stuff, you get downstairs, one of the kids starts yelling, you drop the stuff on the floor with a promise to organize it later, and then you promptly forget about it. Well, we got it organized, evicted some bins and boxes to the garage, and now I can actually reach the food down there. Yay, let the cooking experiments begin! Well, actually, continue. I've been working on it for a few weeks.
So, with all of that, and laundry, I'm tired. Very tired. But it's a good tired. I have a bit more room in here, I can see what else needs to be done to get ready for baby, and everyday items are a bit easier.
Did we get everything done that we wanted to? No. Did we get the one day of work and the one day to party that we wanted? No. With a sick kid, going somewhere probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway. But we got stuff done. Sometimes, that's all it takes to improve your mood. You accomplished something. CELEBRATE IT! Don't dwell on what you did not get done! Focus on the fact that everything you accomplished makes it easier to get your remaining projects done. I'm thinking of the fact that I have two empty bins available now, through some strategic merging of partially full ones, to clean my office.
Now I just have to do it. Wish me luck! Time to accomplish!!!

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