Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post Christmas Blues

Y'know, this Christmas kinda snuck up and ambushed me. It didn't help that I had to have Catsie help me put up the tree because my living room was such a disaster. Okay, actually, SHE put the thing up while I sat on the couch and coughed my lungs out.
Pneumonia sucks.
Still, even though we did very little for Christmas due to illness, weather, and lack of space, it always makes me sad to see it go. The lights are so pretty, and with a little ingenuity, aka, the "cage", we are able to protect the tree.
But there simply isn't room to keep it up. Once it comes down, then we go into the winter doldrums. Stuck inside all day, only going outside for half an hour at a time because Esther gets too cold to stay out. Depressing. Winter used to be my favorite holiday, but since having's just too hard on me staying inside all day.
At least I have a hobby now to keep me busy. I had my first sales at the Quilted Bear. Not enough to pay the rent, at least not yet, but it's gratifying to know that people are interested enough in my work to buy it.
And now we're having a New Years party. It think it's the first family party we've hosted that doesn't involve a birthday. Here's hoping everyone is well enough for it!
I had a bunch I was going to say tonight, but my brain is fried. I guess you'll just have to keep reading later and see what else was on my mind!
Oh yeah......Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All moved in! (But not settled)

You know, I think it is some kind of law that you cannot ever be fully unpacked from a move.
Still, I would like my living room to be less than half full of boxes some day.
We're enjoying being in our new house. We've got a big back yard with lots of space for gardening. Jeff has his own office. Sorta. He has to share space with my craft stuff, but still, he doesn't have to share space with the toys anymore!!
It's an older home, built in 1928, and it needs work. The structure is sound, but the plumbing and electrical need a complete overhaul. It suits our needs for now. Nothing is falling down on us, or leaking, or broken, so I'm pretty happy with it! The lot has lots of potential, we have 90 feet to the back fence so we are talking about putting in an addition someday. When we can afford it.
We have a cat now as well. She is black and white, still has claws, and is THOROUGHLY spoiled! She is a very affectionate lap cat, so while I am sitting here typing this, she is nudging me for pats.
Esther and Tae-Tae just continue to get bigger. The living room is a constant mess, but at least Esther is getting better at cleaning it up!
We are getting ready for Christmas. Which basically entails frantically getting out Christmas gifts and cards and trying to unbury a spot in the living room for the tree. Taea has no regard for the word "no", so I am not looking forward to cleaning up all the torn up decorations. Maybe I'll put it in the playpen...
I have been working hard to start a craft business. I have a booth at the Quilted Bear in Provo. So far, not much luck, but with this economy, it's to be expected. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!
Well, I don't have too much time for typing now, I WILL try to be more diligent about posting in the future.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Life changes--duh!

Whee, it's been a while, hasn't it? It's been really busy around here. Trying to get a business going with our family website,, selling stuff at the farmer's market and...drumroll please....
Buying a house!
Yes, we are taking the plunge. We found a home that is older, the decor is very Grandma Chic, and the wiring needs some serious help, but it's a great price. We'll spend about a week before moving in getting everything cleaned up, painted, and the wiring fixed. Then Jeff will be closer to school and work, which will seriously reduce his commute time. That's something he is VERY happy about.
This will mean a lot higher housing payment, but with the reduction in gas costs, we should be able to handle it. We'll have a big back yard for the girls, garden space, room for fruit trees...everything we want.
I'm going to be selling some stuff at a festival at the grade school on Monday. I'm hoping to make a decent amount to pay down my materials costs.
Lessee...the girls are getting so big! Esther is actually two now! My baby girl is now a big girl! Taemarin is crawling all over the place, getting into everything within reach. She is so cute, with her big smile! She's been teething lately. Several at once. It's made her kinda cranky. Still, she is mostly smiley and happy.
Jeff is doing well in computer classes, though he is buried in homework. Two more years, we hope, and he should be done.
As we go into fall, we've got major changes in store for us. That seems to be the way it is, sometimes. Things seem to drag for a while, then shake up in a major way. Like the techtonic plates of the earth. They slide along for a while, quietly, then something gets hung up, breaks loose, and the area around gets shaken apart. We're going into changes somewhere around an 8.5, I think. Wish us luck!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summertime Blahs

Good grief! Has it really been that long?
All I have to do is look at Taemarin busting out of her clothes to answer that question. My sweet little newborn is now a sweet little interested-in-everything-that-Esther-does. She follows Esther's movements like a hawk. They'll either be the best of friends, or WWIII incarnate.
Esther's vocabulary continues to improve. She knows many words. Or half words, depending on your point of view. The problem is that she doesn't seem to want to use them. She'll cry for something instead of using the word for it, even though she knows the word. We'll keep working with it, she can ask for one or two things. Especially "bah", which is bath. We've got a little fish on our hands.
Taea is the same way. I sometimes take her in the tub with me, and she will sit on my lap and kick and splash, with a huge grin on her face. Hopefully, I'll be able to get both of them swimming lessons when they're old enough.
Life around here is hectic. With my brother's help, we're launching a website. It's not entirely ready yet, so in order to raise some capital, I'm going to sell at the Provo City farmer's Market. It's a fairly small market, so I don't expect to make a fortune, but the more vendors there the better the turnout will be. We hope.
Jeff is back in school, which means that on weekdays he is gone from 7 or 8 in the morning until after ten at night. It's depressing, but the sooner he gets through school, the better.
Well, gotta make this short. My messy kitchen needs to be dealt with. Hopefully, I'll get better at posting more often.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

After Christmas Blahs

Well, Christmas has come and gone. It was a good one for us, better than I thought, thanks to our family. We were a little worried about having the money to get anything for the girls, their aunties made up for it in spades! Esther is presently having a blast with all the toys, which, combined with everything else they've spoiled her with, are overflowing her toy bin.
Little Taemarin is getting more alert by the day. It would be so fun to take her outside to see the trees and birds and sunshine...but it's freezing outside. Esther hates being cooped up all the time. We have boots and snow clothing for her, but she has a cold right now. If she's better by the next snowstorm, then she and Daddy can go out and make a snowman. Daddy got some new boots and gloves for Christmas, so he can have fun with the girls.
We had family over for Christmas and New Years. Mark's kids went sledding off the hill into the park. They had a lot of fun despite the cold.
And now, the holidays are over, we're totting up the cost, and dreading the cold darkness still to come. Depression comes all too easily these days, with the sun in hiding. I usually love snow, but right now all it means is that I'm trapped inside.
Spring will come soon enough, I hope. Until then, I guess we'll just have to make the best of it. It is giving me opportunity to finish some projects, like crocheting and sewing.
Eventually, I'll post some pictures. Till then, if you want to see what the girls are up to, email me and I'll send you some directly!
The girls are calling. Back to the trenches.