Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Years to all! I want to thank everyone that came to our party, it was a lot of fun. Exhausting, but fun! Esther is still staying up late as a result, I've GOT to get her naps back on schedule!
Now I get to deal with three months of winter blues. I have a mild case of SAD, though I really don't want to take medication for it. I prefer not to have my moods be a result of chemical intervention.
So instead, I think I'll clean my office out and make room to work on crafts. Making things always cheers me up.
It's a new year, with new possibilities. I'm sure we all agree that 2008 stunk. Economy wise, politically, and in a lot of other ways. I guess we can't really complain. We managed to buy a house, and we're doing well in most respects. I just feel bad for everyone who has lost money or a home in the melee.
Well, Happy New Year again, and lets all pray that this year is better than the last!

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