Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post Christmas Blues

Y'know, this Christmas kinda snuck up and ambushed me. It didn't help that I had to have Catsie help me put up the tree because my living room was such a disaster. Okay, actually, SHE put the thing up while I sat on the couch and coughed my lungs out.
Pneumonia sucks.
Still, even though we did very little for Christmas due to illness, weather, and lack of space, it always makes me sad to see it go. The lights are so pretty, and with a little ingenuity, aka, the "cage", we are able to protect the tree.
But there simply isn't room to keep it up. Once it comes down, then we go into the winter doldrums. Stuck inside all day, only going outside for half an hour at a time because Esther gets too cold to stay out. Depressing. Winter used to be my favorite holiday, but since having's just too hard on me staying inside all day.
At least I have a hobby now to keep me busy. I had my first sales at the Quilted Bear. Not enough to pay the rent, at least not yet, but it's gratifying to know that people are interested enough in my work to buy it.
And now we're having a New Years party. It think it's the first family party we've hosted that doesn't involve a birthday. Here's hoping everyone is well enough for it!
I had a bunch I was going to say tonight, but my brain is fried. I guess you'll just have to keep reading later and see what else was on my mind!
Oh yeah......Happy New Year!

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