Monday, March 2, 2009

I Hate Mondays

I hate mondays. You've asked me why. Well, today, I REALLY hate Monday.
I wake up, it's gray and gloomy outside. Since I suffer from S.A.D.D., it just starts me out in a depressed mood.
Then, I go get babies and change diapers. Not so bad, you say. Well, not usually. But when a baby blows out a diaper...shudder.
As I am doing this, I notice a strange sensation in my stomach. Gradually, it builds itself up to nausea and diarrhea.
Yeah, yeah, you're welcome.
So now it's gray. It's cold. I'm sick. Taea is getting sick again. Jeff is at work. Esther thinks I'm a trampoline. And I can't take any Pepto or anything because we're trying for baby #3 and I can't take certain stuff if I'm pregnant.
So yeah, Mondays suck. And now Esther is screaming because she was climbing on the toy bin holder, which I told her not to do about a bajillion times, and it fell over. I swear, that kid won't make it to her tenth birthday.
I sure hope Tuesday is better. If it isn't, I'm going to run away and join the circus.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So sorry you aren't feeling well. Babies too. Hang in there. Spring is coming. Hope your tummy is better. Big hug from you sister in law.