Sunday, August 26, 2007

Introducing our Family

Well, it's been a while since I've last posted. For anyone out there that was actually following the Aathea saga, I'm still working on it. I cancelled most of my blogs while working/moving/having major upheavals in my life, and I do not know that they will ever return. Still, if anyone is interested to see how the world of Aathea has grown, send me an email.
Yes, my screen names etc have changed. This blog, of course, will be focusing on my real-life family rather than the imaginary world I used to inhabit. If I ever do get back into posting my stories, it will be under a different blog.
So, what am I up to now? Well, I am married now, I have one daughter and another on the way. My second daughter will actually be named Taemarin, so eventually, I'll have to surrender my email names.
Oh well. Life goes on.
I'm living in Utah now, and as the title of this blog suggests, I am a Stay-at-Home mom. It's fun, frustrating, exhausting, and rewarding all at the same time. I think any Stay-at-Home mom would tell you the same. As we go more posts, if there's any working moms that would like some reasons to quit and stay home, I think I can provide them.
This one will be short as it's rather late (for a preggie, that is!), but I will try to make an effort to keep this reasonably well updated.

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