Monday, December 5, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...fall. Still.

Where is the snow already? C'mon, it's December, and my kids want to try out their new boots!
Yes, it's that time of year again. We've actually put up lights on the house, the only ones on our street so far. The girls are in love with them. The tree is up and gets plugged in every day. My kids have always loved lights of all kinds. They're "children of light". This was Jeff's first time putting up lights on a house exterior, and he did a great job. We weren't able to put up quite as many as I might like, because one, it has been too freakin' cold, and two, we're depending on the single outdoor circuit in the garage. The last thing we need is a wiring overload.
So, what else have we done? Well, most of the shopping is done. We were fortunate to attend a toy swap in Mom's stake, so the girls are covered. I just need to get it wrapped. I've gotten a few things for Jeff, mostly practical. I hope he likes them! I've been listening to Christmas music since July, and I'm just hoping I don't get sick of it before the big day.
We have a few other things coming up before then. One, I am getting a partial in place of my lower teeth. We haven't been able to afford crowns, and now there isn't enough left, so I'm just getting it over with and hoping that in the future we can afford implants. The other thing coming up is a certain two year olds birthday! Dang, I can't BELIEVE she is that old already! I have yet to figure out what to get her that the other two won't snitch. I don't think we'll have a big family party; I'm just too big and heavy right now, and number four is kicking the kee-rud out of me! Next year, hopefully, will be different.
It's amazing how much changes in a year. I plan to go in and get my thyroid tested after the pregnancy, see if that is part of the reason why I'm always so tired and cranky. I'd be willing to bet it's either that or the adrenals or both. I would love to have some energy for once, so I'm not always barking at the kids. Then, there is so much to be done around the house and yard. I'm grateful for winter this year simply because it means I can stop feeling guilty about not getting outside and getting stuff done!
So I guess it's time to start making my New Year's Resolutions. I might even get them posted, if I remember! Till then, I'll just be surviving the holiday season. I hope.
Merry Christmas, everybody, and I hope you truly do have a good New Year.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Time (okay, PAST time) for an update!

Wow, it's been nearly a year! And a lot has happened. As my only excuse, I've been pregnant (again) and sick as a dog, so blogging has been the LAST thing on my mind.
And, as usual, the girls are running rampant in the living room, so I'd better make this quick.
Jeff-still working at the same place, except it's not exactly the same place anymore. They bought another company, more than doubling their staff and their geographical coverage, so things are...well...downright INSANE. He is working his tail off, often has projects to finish when he gets home, so we're having to kind of ride the tsunami for the time being. Because of my pregnancy issues, he is back on dish duty...and the dishwasher died. Not a good time for this to happen!
Heather-pregnant and grumpy most of the time, sad to say. Jeff's Honda died at the beginning of the year, then Jeff totalled the van, then his sister lent us one, then we bought another cheap used van, then found out it had tranny problems and had to be rebuilt, then...mrrr. Yeah, this has been a difficult year. Still teaching jewelry classes, kind of gave up on Roberts for now because no one was interested. Going to approach that again after I have the baby and get some strength back.
Esther-getting so friggen' BIG! Kindergarten now, doing excellent, has good friends in class and a good teacher, and her speech is progressing wonderfully! Still has her long ringlets but her hair is getting darker. I don't think she'll maintain the light Calkin hair, I think she's going to be brunette like most of my family. Either way, she is drop-dead gorgeous...and knows it.
Taemarin-feisty, spunky, stubborn, know, all the things a self-respecting four year old should be! She is growing bigger too, though not as long and lanky as her sister. I think she's going to be our stocky athletic one. She is in preschool and doing well, I will have to miss her parent-teacher this week because of reports of pertussis in the school. I'm pregnant and paranoid!
Rebecca-our little Bekkers, nearly two and just as stubborn and independent minded as the rest! She wants SOOOO much to be like them, and be able to play with them, and it tends to get her in trouble when she gets involved and messes things up. We've moved her into a big girl bed, and so far, so good, she is still taking naps and does reasonably well at bedtime. Hope it lasts!
Number 4-Baby Debby, as she will be known, is kicking the crud out of me! She's due mid-Jan, and from all indications, she will be just as feisty as the others. Can't wait to see if we'll finally have a little carrot top!
Don't know how long it will be before I have time to post again, so I'll say it now. Happy Holidays to all y'all out there, and stay safe in this crazy, messed up world!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's a New Year

It's a new year, and it's time to get back on the wagon. I fell off, gained back all the weight and then some (darn Christmas candy!), so now I need to get back to losing the weight.
I'm still using Calorie Count, they've updated their site with a bunch of new food items so I don't have to hand enter everything. It's a great tool, so all I have to do is get used to my diet again, then ease into a workout routine.
That, along with my jewelry classes, my calling (we have a funeral this week to prepare for. Fun, huh?), taking care of the kids, the house, and attempting to work on the second draft of my trilogy. I think I need an extra 12 hours a day!
Well, time to get at it! I am also trying to limit the time I spend on the computer, I've had blurry vision lately, I think I need a break! So gonna break out the beads now and work on another project. This is gonna be fun!