Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Prepping for Baby

How the heck do women survive this last month?
Yes, I've done it twice before. However, for whatever reason, I am carrying this one more...forward than the other two. More hip and back problems too. I know my body is supposed to do this kind of stuff to get ready, so I'm not trying to shove a baby through a hole the size of a garbanzo bean, but still, it's hard!
I have so much to do to get ready for the baby, and yet my body doesn't want to cooperate! How do women survive this last month and get everything done in time? So far she has a place to sleep, we have the cute outfit we're bringing her home in (designed to make her look like a Christmas gift), and I have a vague idea of where the diaper bag is. Oh, and yes, we have two cases of diapers.
That's it so far.
Sheesh, I was ready MONTHS in advance for the other two! Of course, at that time, I was living in an entirely different place so I pretty much kept everything in the nursery anyway, since there was nowhere else to store it. Now that we're in our own home, a lot of that got shunted out to the garage. Here was me thinking I was going to have a boy, so the bin of girls clothes is....somewhere in the vicinity of the house. The garage, most likely.
Double sigh.
I'll get it done. Somehow. We have bought a few new things, so the kid won't be naked, I still have the bottles out since my older two are just NOW going to no bottles at all (that's another story, but yes, we're bottle-breaking finally, and they are not happy in the slightest), and I have the bassinet set up. I have blankets, the small chest of drawers has been cleared out for her with a new, big one set up for Esther and Taea...I guess I'm not doing too bad.
But still, there is so much to be done for babies! So much to prepare. And if you have an older home that is less than...well, quiet, there's a lot of other stuff that you wouldn't think of. Our bedroom door sticks and doesn't want to close properly. At times, it has gotten completely stuck. This is the room the baby will be sleeping in. DEFINITELY needs to be fixed.
The floor squeaks badly, especially at night. If I have to walk across the kitchen five times a night for bottle prep (sigh, yes I will try to breast-feed but we all know how successful THAT has been) then I run the risk of waking up the older girls. Five times a night. Gotta get that fixed too.
We have a new car-seat/stroller set. It's just still in its box. In the garage. With everything else.
I need to get the baby swing reassembled, set up the play yard so I can leave the room occasionally without worrying about Taea squashing her baby sister, clean out the extra junk in the living room so I don't have to worry about it getting knocked over on top of her. Lots of baby proofing.
And some of you are asking "why haven't you done this before?"
To which I answer "have you ever tried to clean boxes and bins out of a living room, while pregnant and sick, with two toddlers underfoot?"
So now that I'm REALLY pregnant, I get to do it anyway! Oh joy! Sigh. Yeah, I'm a procrastinator.
But it will get done. Somehow. Because baby is coming, whether Mommy is ready or not.