Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Again

The title says it all. It's Monday. Its gray and gloomy and we've got a snowstorm headed our way. My kitchen and living room are a mess, I've got laundry piled sky high, and the babies are being obnoxious.
Typical Monday.
Well, it could be worse, I suppose. I could be in the hospital. I could be in Darfur. I could be dead. Would that be worse or better?
No, I'm not suicidal! Just thinking about how different things would be in the spirit world, or in the Millennium, or whatever. You look at all the garbage happening around the world, and it's like "do I really want to bring more kids into this?"
I dunno, I've been waxing darkly philosophical lately. Probably a product of SADD. I try to be happy, I really do. It's just hard when you're surrounded by so many sad things.
Well, we're having Jeff's sister over to visit tonight, that will be a nice change of pace. We're getting a quote on the windows, we're getting the furnace cleaned, and all things considered, life isn't too bad right now. I'm feeling better than I was last Monday, just tired and cranky, but I'm not on my deathbed.
Why do people dwell so much on what they COULD have? I am just as guilty as anyone else. But why? Are we programmed for jealousy? Are we designed to constantly be dissatisfied with our lot in life?
Hmm. Not necessarily expecting an answer, just food for thought. Maybe I think too much. I dunno.
Well, I have a kitchen begging to be cleaned. Better get it done while babies are napping. Anyone who wants to join in a discussion on why humans are so hard to please, feel free to comment!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I Hate Mondays

I hate mondays. You've asked me why. Well, today, I REALLY hate Monday.
I wake up, it's gray and gloomy outside. Since I suffer from S.A.D.D., it just starts me out in a depressed mood.
Then, I go get babies and change diapers. Not so bad, you say. Well, not usually. But when a baby blows out a diaper...shudder.
As I am doing this, I notice a strange sensation in my stomach. Gradually, it builds itself up to nausea and diarrhea.
Yeah, yeah, you're welcome.
So now it's gray. It's cold. I'm sick. Taea is getting sick again. Jeff is at work. Esther thinks I'm a trampoline. And I can't take any Pepto or anything because we're trying for baby #3 and I can't take certain stuff if I'm pregnant.
So yeah, Mondays suck. And now Esther is screaming because she was climbing on the toy bin holder, which I told her not to do about a bajillion times, and it fell over. I swear, that kid won't make it to her tenth birthday.
I sure hope Tuesday is better. If it isn't, I'm going to run away and join the circus.